About Eastern Voices

About Eastern Voices

God Is Raising Up World-Changing Leaders in Asia.

It’s Time to Hear from Them.

Eastern Voices Volume 1 is your chance to meet and hear from some of the most influential leaders in Christendom today. Their ministry field is Asia. They live and work in some of the most challenging and dynamic environments for the gospel found anywhere. And they have a lot to share—experiences and perspectives that will benefit the worldwide body of Christ.

The subjects covered are wide-ranging—everything from life stories to theological explorations. You’ll learn how culture has impacted the sharing of the gospel in the Asia context . . . and how gospel values can transcend cultural limitations.

Most of all, you will get a deeper sense of how God is at work in a rising part of our world—Asia. And you will get the chance to meet some amazing men and women whom God is using to transform their churches, communities, and countries.

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